HealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

Lactose Intolerance: Everything You Need To Know

When you consume foods or drinks (like milk and dairy products) that contain lactose and your body cannot digest them, you’re said to be lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is caused by a shortage of lactase in the body, an enzyme produced by the small intestine that is needed to digest lactose. Lactose is a sugar that is naturally found in milk and milk products, like ice cream or…
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Gut HealthHealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

Dietary Management Of Constipation And Diarrhoea

As a person going back and forth between being constipated and having diarrhoea, you may have wondered if there’s any food that can help both problems. The truth is, constipation and diarrhoea, two common gastrointestinal issues, can be due to problems that cannot be resolved with dietary management (food) only. Severe constipation, resulting from pain or nausea medications, or as a result of…
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HealthHealth ConditionsMental and sexual healthMental Health

Early Signs Of Multiple Sclerosis To Look Out For

Multiple sclerosis, MS for short, is a progressive disease affecting the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system – CNS). It is an autoimmune disease since the body’s immune system accidentally attacks the cells of the nervous system. Multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system when the immune system attacks the myelin (protective) sheath that covers nerve…
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Ten Surprising Health Benefits Of Cloves

The first things you prioritise when stocking up your spice rack are probably garlic powder, turmeric, and, of course, salt and pepper. But the next time you’re rebuilding your inventory, you should consider adding cloves to your cart; they are another health-benefiting staple to keep in mind. What are cloves, you may ask? Cloves are nothing but dried flowers of a clove tree. The flower…
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Health Benefits Of Turmeric Milk

Turmeric milk, or the ‘golden milk’ as it is usually called, has several properties that can improve your skin health and overall well-being. It helps to regulate your blood sugar levels, so it has secured a place in the diabetes food chart. It is also beneficial for colds, coughs, flu, wounds, or joint pain. Turmeric milk is also known to reverse steps in heart disease by improving the…
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HealthHealth ConditionsHeart Disease

Difference Between Dilated And Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy results when your heart cannot effectively pump blood to the rest of the body. Its symptoms may include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, or fatigue. To briefly define the condition is a disease in the heart muscles that makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood to other parts of the body. Typically, there are no symptoms in the early stages, but as the condition…
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Enjoy Jogging? Five Ways To Jog Safely

Jogging is a form of aerobic exercise that, when performed, gives the body positive health benefits like weight loss and a decrease in blood pressure levels. It can be performed at any stride based on the person’s hoped results. Jogging can also be done in one’s leisure time which might involve hurried walking. It requires different body techniques and has a slower pace with…
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HealthMen's HealthMental and sexual healthMental HealthSexual Health

For Men: How To Improve Your Sex Drive

Sex drive, also known as libido, is a term that entails having interest or enthusiasm in sexual activity, usually with a partner. It flows naturally, and the presence of it can signify the state of your physical and mental functioning. A healthy sex drive can positively affect your life and improve everything from your self-confidence to your relationships. As a man, there are lots of…
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

Onion Water Hack: How You Can Benefit From Cardi B's Hair Growth Secret

The onion water hack has just been made famous by American rapper Cardi B. She shared the D.I.Y. hair treatment hack with millions of followers on her Instagram page. They flocked to her comment section to praise her, saying onion water is deeply embedded in ayurvedic practices. Cardi B’s hack is boiling onions and using the water to treat her hair. Still, William Gaunitz (a hair and…
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HealthMental and sexual healthMental HealthSexual Health

Ways Allergies Affect Sexual Health

Allergies occur when your body is exposed to allergens, triggering an immune response to produce histamines. These cause sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, fatigue, congestion, and itchiness. Symptoms of allergies such as congestion and allergy medications (e.g., antihistamines) can cause sleep deprivation, leading to tiredness at sex. Studies revealed that allergies could make getting a good…
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