Health ConditionsHIV/STD/STIsMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Five Reasons Why You Should Get Tested For STIs ASAP

Sexually transmitted infections or diseases (STI/Ds) don’t announce themselves. It creeps on the unsuspecting. So, if you ever believed you can spot someone who’s infected, it is best to trash the idea. Sexually transmitted diseases are more common and can remain asymptomatic for several years, hence the need to get tested immediately. Check out the following reasons: Why you need to get…
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HealthMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Sexual Health And Aging: How To Reclaim Your Sex Life

Sexual health and the desire for sexual intimacy are essential at any age. Your body goes through changes that may get in the way of the rewarding sex life you enjoyed when you were younger because of ageing, which may be due to chronic pain, certain medical conditions, decreased hormone levels, side effects of certain medications, and history of specific surgical procedures. However, every adult…
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HealthLifestyleMental and sexual healthSexual Health

10 Interesting Facts About Sexual Health

A few years ago, it was not okay to whisper about sex and sexual health for fear of being shamed. Not anymore. These days, we know the importance of having an open conversation about sexual health and avoiding the misconceptions that are spread that way. Getting the correct information about sexual health is as vital as getting sexual health tests. Knowing important facts about sex and sexual…
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HealthHealth ConditionsHIV/STD/STIsLifestyleMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Sexual Health Checks To Take If You Are Sexually Active

Are you sexually active? well good for you. It is relevant to keep an eye on your sexual health, and there are now sexual health checks you can have to ensure all is in order. Being sexually active means you have eaten the forbidden fruit, and the next thing you should plan is when to see your doctor and get checked. Going to the doctor for sexual health exams may feel awkward, but it is still…
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HealthMen's HealthMental and sexual healthSexual Health

How Stress Affects Male Sexual Health

Working late, worrying about your finances, and having to meet deadlines. The list goes on. These are different ways one can get stressed. One way or another, we have all gone through a stressful phase in life that affects the body differently. How one person reacts to stress might not be the same as another. It goes to say that avoiding stress is impossible but getting it under control or…
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FertilityHealthPregnancySexual HealthWomen's Health

What You Need To Know Before Getting An IUD

Getting pregnant can be scary, especially when you don’t plan for it. I’m sure many women are trying to find the right protective measure. One measure to take to avoid an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy is the use of an IUD. IUD is one contraceptive that can be used to prevent pregnancy, and there are essential factors to note before getting one. IUDs or intrauterine devices are one of the…
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Erectile DysfunctionHealth ConditionsMen's HealthMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Causes and How to self-manage Erectile Dysfunction

Many things can affect the quality of your life. For men, friends, work, exercise, and sexual activity are key ingredients of a good life. Sexual activity is essential not just for pleasure but for health too. However, some men experience difficulty in that department and often find it difficult or embarrassing to open up about it. Erectile dysfunction is one disorder that can cause this…
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HealthHealth ConditionsHIV/STD/STIsMental and sexual healthSexual Health

How Often Should You Get Tested for STDs?

Getting tested for STDs can feel like an embarrassing experience for many, but it should not be. It is perfectly normal and a smart thing to do too. There are dozens of STDs in existence, and nothing is embarrassing about wanting to keep yourself safe from them. Sex is fun, and you should enjoy it to the fullest with your partner. But if it could get you in trouble, especially…
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HealthLifestyleMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Common STIs: Treatment and How to Avoid Them

Ever heard the saying that “Prevention is better than cure?” It is considered easier and wiser to avoid a problem completely than to spend time and resources fixing it. The same logic applies to your sexual health. Sexual health is a delicate matter, and as a sexually active person, you should protect yourself from the pitfalls of unprotected sex, including STIs. Itching, burning…
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HealthHealth ConditionsMen's HealthMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Complications of Untreated Gonorrhea

There are quite a several sexually transmitted infections with varying causes and symptoms. However, the tricky thing about gonorrhoea and some other S.T.I.s is that they may not cause any symptoms. A person can have gonorrhoea and feel completely fine, with nothing to suggest that something is wrong with their health. This is why every sexually active person needs to stay one step ahead by…
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