
Sleep Management: Tips To Help You Sleep Better

Sleep Management: Tips To Help You Sleep Better

You may have noticed that sleeping well leaves you feeling refreshed, more alert and even happier. Good sleep is great for your health and great for your looks too. Your skin looks healthy, your eyes bright, and even your hair looks healthier and fuller.

As you grow older, you may notice changes in the quality and even amount of sleep you get. It may become slightly harder to fall asleep and stay asleep for long periods. You may find yourself waking up more than once at night. You used to be able to sleep longer when you were younger, right?

Changes in sleep patterns can be an annoying problem, especially when you need rest. But it is important to be able to manage your sleep. The quality of your sleep has a huge influence on other aspects of your health. Bad sleeping habits can put you at risk of heart problems, diabetes and even mood disorders. Notice how much of a sour mood you can be in when you do not get enough sleep?

The big question is, how do you manage to get adequate sleep with your work, personal relationships and all your adult responsibilities weighing you down? How can you continue to reap the benefits of good sleep as you age?

Tips to help you sleep better

There are measures you can take to help you get a good sleep despite your sleep pattern changes and the enemy of everyone’s beauty sleep, the alarm clock. Some of these measures include:

  • Try to go to bed at the same time every night, especially when you have to work the next day. Do not stay up cradling your phone or laptop for late-night entertainment
  • Set that pesky little alarm clock to wake you up at the same time every day 
  • Avoid caffeine or taking substances that contain stimulants a few hours before you go to bed. Coffee, some caffeine-containing sodas and chocolate can keep you up past your bedtime and jeopardize your sleep pattern
  •  Exercise regularly as being active can improve your overall lifestyle and help you sleep better
  • Breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques can help improve the quality of your sleep. Try them out
  • Avoid drinking alcohol before bed
  • Do not work, eat or even watch television in bed. Reserve your bed for just rest and sleep.

It is essential to get enough sleep as you get older. Sleep aids your memory and concentration and leaves you less prone to illnesses like high blood pressure that can be triggered by stress.

If you have trouble sleeping or waking up, speak to a doctor on Doctall.

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