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Benefits Of Drinking Water Before And After Sex

Benefits Of Drinking Water Before And After Sex

There’s a need to moisten after vigorous physical activity like sex. After all, there’s no better way of keeping the body hydrated than drinking water. A bottle of water before and after sex is believed to be good and healthy for the body.

Agility is needed for sex, and hydration often helps people (both male and female) carry out an activity or a task and prevent tiredness until the such activity is accomplished.

During sex, your body is physically active, and some hormones are released at the course, which makes you use a lot of energy. Energy utilisation at this point can drain, dehydrate you, and get you tired.

Although short-term dehydration is nothing, you may still notice a few signs and symptoms, such as dizziness, confusion, tiredness, dry mouth and lips. Dehydration is very liable to cause or exacerbate vagina dryness.

A study has shown that taking a sufficient amount of liquid is vital for the natural lubrication of the vagina. What it means is that if you’re aiming for countless rounds of sex, water can help facilitate your sexual performance by lubricating the vagina.

We have discussed, in this article, the benefits of drinking water before and after sex; being and remaining hydrated is the best thing to do to amplify your sex life.


Drinking water before, during, and after sex is crucial because of the following;

  • Sexual activities deplete strength; therefore, it is advisable to drink water after sex to assist in hydrating and maintaining energy levels.
  • Drinking a lot of water makes the penis well-rendered with blood and oxygen.
  • Drink at least a glass of water after sex. It helps with sexual hygiene to increase urine formation. This will help eliminate harmful bacteria from the body and keep you away from diseases.
  • It flushes out toxins from the body due to increased water intake.

Other benefits include;

     1. Improved orgasms

Aside from being lubricated when you are hydrated, you’ll also have longer orgasms. Read more about the male orgasm HERE.

     2. It relieves weariness

Recall that vigorous physical activity like sex can be exhausting. Water will help you combat the exhaustion that comes with sexual activity.

     3. Raises libido

Water has a substantial effect on your libido. Drinking adequate water will remove toxins and build up tissues from your body, raising your libido and making you eager to have sex.

If you have any issues with your sex life and you’d like to talk to a medical expert, book an appointment online.

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