Babies and KidsFertilityHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Taking Care Of Your Skin During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a rough journey; more days than not, you’re just not feeling it. But it doesn’t have to make you lose all your shine if you can help it. As much as pregnancy causes changes that alter your natural frame, taking care of your skin should be at the top of your list. The changes a pregnant woman experiences are caused by increased female hormones known as oestrogen and…
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Babies and KidsFertilityHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Is Sour Cream Safe to Eat When You're Pregnant?

While pregnancy is a beautiful experience, it is also a time when you and your baby are more susceptible to diseases. Knowing which foods to consume and avoid can be challenging for a first-time mom. Sour creams are dairy products that have undergone the process of pasteurization i.e. heating the product under mild heat and then cooling it. One concern most pregnant women have is whether sour…
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PregnancyWomen's Health

Water Birth: Everything You Need To Know

Water birth simply means sitting, pushing, and delivering into a deep tub filled with warm water. It can occur at home, in a birthing centre, or in hospitals that accommodate water births. However, some hospitals offer water births while others allow you to labour in the tub and deliver your baby on the bed. A nurse, doctor, or midwife is usually assigned to help you through the process. Here…
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Babies and KidsHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

80% Of Nigerian Women Deliver Their Babies At Home

Home births in Nigeria have rapidly increased over time. Women in Nigeria are increasingly choosing home births because they are less expensive, owing to the fact that the cost of delivery in hospitals has skyrocketed due to inflation. According to the Nigerian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, approximately 80% of women in the country deliver their babies home. Dr Habib Sadauki…
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Babies and KidsHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag For Your Baby And You

One thing every expectant woman must know is that the timing of the birth can be unexpected. This explains why if they haven’t prepared everything they need for their labour, the recovery period, and all the time they’ll be in the hospital, the experience cannot be so pleasant. As a pregnant woman, your hospital bag preparation should be ready by the 37th week of pregnancy.
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Babies and KidsHealthHealth ConditionsPregnancyWomen's Health

How To Prevent Jaundice Infections During Pregnancy

Jaundice in pregnancy, in the majority of cases, is mild and can be managed successfully. It is more common in newborn babies because babies have many red blood cells in their blood, which are broken down and replaced frequently. According to in-depth findings, gallstones and preeclampsia-related disorders are the most common causes of this condition in pregnant women. Diseases that cause…
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Babies and KidsHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Pregnancy Supplements: What’s Safe And What’s Not?

Supplements are essential in the body. This is because they are extracted from food sources and provide the proper nutrients for the human body. While we agree that consuming the right quality of foods is important, we must also note that the peculiarities of pregnancy demand considerable nutrients for the woman and her baby. Even though these offer amazing benefits, women must be wary of…
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HealthLifestyleNutritionPregnancyWomen's Health

Smoked Salmon: Is It Safe To Eat During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy can come with many cravings, and the urge to eat smoked salmon might just be one of them. Well, you don’t need to worry about eating it. It is pretty much safe to eat during pregnancy. Britain’s National Health Service (N.H.S.) has indicated that smoked salmon fish is okay to eat during pregnancy, though there should be a limit. If you’d like to eat the fish, you should…
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Babies and KidsHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

How To Prepare Your Body For Pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy is a massive milestone in your life. Once you have decided to have a baby, you have to focus on the things you can do before and between pregnancies to increase the chance of having a healthy baby. For most people, getting their bodies ready for gestation takes several months. For others, it might take longer. However, whether it is your first or fifth time, there are…
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HealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Why More Women Should Opt For Epidurals

Before the advent of modern medicine, midwives were summoned to attend to all births, and doctors were rarely present to help in childbirth. Despite the effort of the midwives, childbirth was a huge risk for both mother and baby to the extent that women often made wills before going into labour. In recent times, birthing methods have changed with the invention of innovative reproductive…
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