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How To Manage Hair Loss Caused By PCOS

How To Manage Hair Loss Caused By PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormone disorder that affects women of childbearing age. It can cause various symptoms, including excess facial and body hair and hair loss.

While some women with this condition experience excess hair growth in unusual places in the body, others experience severe hair loss, also called female patterned baldness.

Why does PCOS cause hair loss?

The female body produces male hormones called androgens which pack testosterone in them. These androgens are crucial in triggering puberty, like stimulating hair growth in the armpits and pubic regions.

In PCOS, these androgens are produced in excess doses leading to the development of more masculine features, including hair growth in unusual places like the face, neck, chest, and abdomen.

These androgens can also cause thinning of hair on the body, especially at the front of the scalp, known as alopecia or female pattern baldness.

Read more on alopecia HERE.

How to manage the early onset of hair loss caused by PCOS

Paired with consulting your doctor, you can do a few things from the comfort of your home to regrow hair loss caused by PCOS. These remedies include;

Aloe-vera Juice

Aloe Vera juice can help restore balance to your hormones and reduce symptoms.

Cinnamon oil

Applying cinnamon oil helps to circulate blood to your hair follicles, stimulating hair growth

Fenugreek Seeds

When crushed and used as a hair pack, Fenugreek seeds can help prevent hair thinning and strengthen the hair roots.

Scalp massages

Giving your scalp a good massage can help stop hair loss as this promotes the circulation of blood and hair growth.

Zinc and Biotin Supplements

Zinc and biotin are two PCOS hair loss regrowth supplements that have had success stories, according to research.

Medications for hair loss caused by PCOS

The first step to treating PCOS-induced hair loss is stopping androgens’ excess production with medications. These treatments may include;


Minoxidil is a treatment option prescribed for male and female pattern baldness. It is usually applied topically to problematic areas of the head to stop hair fall or thinning and promote the growth of thicker and fuller hair.

Oral Contraceptives

Birth control pills are yet another treatment option available to women with PCOS. These medications lower the overproduction of androgens, which can relieve PCOS symptoms like hair loss.

It is worth of note that medications primarily work on reducing PCOS symptoms rather than reversing hair loss.

See a doctor if your hair loss continues to worsen.

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